Autohotkey, 지정한 위치의 칼라코드값 얻기


PixelGetColor, OutputVar, X, Y




PixelGetColor, 칼라값을얻을변수, 색상을얻어올X좌표, 색상을얻어올Y좌표


여기의 X, Y좌표는 활성화된 창의 좌표




PixelGetColor - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey

The name of the variable in which to store the color ID in hexadecimal blue-green-red (BGR) format. For example, the color purple is defined 0x800080 because it has an intensity of 80 for its blue and red components but an intensity of 00 for its green com



PixelGetColor, vColor, 100, 100
If (vColor = "0xE5E5E5")
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